Friday, 16 March 2018

Designing Merchandise

I have decided to have a variety of products for the merchandise of my artist, ranging from bags and shirts to neon signs and phone cases. All this merchandise has one theme to it that fans can recognise and associate with Outlex: roses.
I am using this theme in which a rose will be placed on the bags or shirts, possibly with a neon effect to make it stand out more.
Like with the digipak ideas, I looked up photos of roses which only had an outline and saved them for future use. I wanted to make sure that the photos had no background, as it would be easier to manipulate on photoshop. Some of the photos that I found are shown below:

I decided to go with the first photo of the rose as this was more colourful and simplistic, similar to the rose that I was going to design on my digipak. Once this was done I then looked up photos of products that had no design on them, such as a plan rucksack, which I could use and edit for Outlex's merchandise.
After my website research I had an idea on what products were conventionally featured on an artist's merchandise store, like t-shirts, the album and a vinyl. I also wanted to include unique products like a bath bomb, as I saw this when I researched onto Fall Out Boy's website and I thought it was a unique idea.
Some of the product photos I found are shown below:

After gathering these photos and more I went onto photoshop to edit them. I started off with the vinyl, adding the front cover of my digipak onto the template before exporting it to get this:
Once this was done I moved onto the shirts and bags, using the image of the rose from before and adding them on. With some of the products it didn't look like the rose was part of the shirt as it was too bright, so I went around with the different tools and decided to use the burn tool to darken the rose so that it would merge with the initial product more, looking more realistic.
The outcome that I got looked like this:

This was done with other products such as a black shirt and a white bag, before they were exported and posted to my website.
I then decided I would design a perfume for Outlex, using a photo of a perfume from the Beauty and the Beast film. I thought this would be a good choice as it has a rose on it, fitting with my current theme:

On photoshop I deleted the text underneath the rose before exploring different fonts and trying to create my own perfume name. However, the text didn't suit the perfume bottle and picture, so I felt it would look more realistic without a title.

After this I had all my products ready and kept uploading them to my website. The process involved adding a title to my product and a price before adding it on, and thanks to prior research I knew the price range for each product:
The menu where I was able to add products, change prices and the names of my products.

After this my merchandise was done, and it was time to finish my website.

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